Who, What, When, Where & WHY... Seems to be the questions....
I will start off by answering question's many have asked me and question's many want to ask me but are too afraid to ask. Who, What, When, Where, and WHY (seems to be the questions on people's mind.) Melissa Melen Photography?.... Melissa and Photography?
Okay, the who and what part I hope you've established... It's Me Melissa and photography. Now to get to the more juicy questions, I will answer the "when, where and why" all together so I won't write a book (once I start its hard to get me to shush up)..... So here it goes, its real quiet simple, just pay attention.
As most of you all know that before my wonderful children God has blessed Flo and I with, (Abel and Alyssa) I was a Massage Therapist and went to school for it at SOMA here in Springfield, and also Business at OTC (which I never finished, but it's on my list of things to do). Well, about 2 years ago as a hobby, I was taking pictures and my husband said to me honey, you should be doing this full time. Not putting much thought into it or paying any attention to it on the moment, I laughed and was like "okay". But let me tell you that what the word of God says about the power of the tongue. Proverbs 18:21 (NIV) says "The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit." In this case, the power of the tongue has changed my life forever in the sense of the words Flo spoke and those words sitting in the back of my mind molding my every thought every time I picked up the camera. So I began to pray about all of this 2 years ago and said Lord, your will be done. It's not like it was in my every prayer because I didn't think I could every afford such expensive equipment or even pursue something like this. Basically, my mind was not letting me comprehend what God was allowing and how he would open doors for me. So it was my "whenever I remembered kinda prayer". Well, a year had passed, then last year came along and that thought was really piercing my mind and it was like static... you know it's there, everything klings to you and its annoying if you don't do anything about it. Other than that static spray... spray it on and its gone lol well instead of spraying I really got to praying, fasting and doing my homework on what camera what lens and all that good stuff I should invest in. (by the way CANON, no other can bring it.. :)) And it was not until December of 2008, that Flo was telling me, honey just get it, just go for it. He was the "push" I needed to just jump right in. But that still wasn't enough for me, I was waiting for a "sign" like Lord if this is really from you I need to know 100% cause I know for sure it's what I want but I don't want to go at it alone. I need to know this is what I should be doing with Florin and we don't ever what to think we know it all and proceed and it fail (that's what happens when you start something without the Lord and we weren't about to be that couple with that failed business). So a few extra months passed and it was April 2009. My homework was done, I knew exactly what I wanted and I had gotten my "green light" from God so we went ahead on April 20th (the exact day we had our closing for the house we purchased) and got my beautiful, shiny Canon! So here we are today October 2009 and going strong with our God.
I share my story with you all because I want to encourage you to pray, fast and read the word of God and take your time with any decision you want to make in life and then decide. Proverbs 21:5 (NIV) says, "The plans of the diligent lead to profit as surely as haste leads to poverty." Even with all this said, intelligence, talent and skills are not enough without diligence. So don't be hasty, in moving quickly without planning anything, cause it won't work out. Take your time dwell on it in prayer and wait on God to give you the green light. That's what we did and here we are in the hands of God with this beautiful, flourishing business; Melissa Melen Photography.