Where do I start with this wedding....I would like to start by thanking my dear friend Ana-Maria (aka Mia) and her husband Mike for intrusting Flo and I to be part of their wedding in such a trustworthy and intimate way by capturing their once in a life time moment through photography. Not only was Mia a long time friend but we grew up together and it was like I was at my own sister's wedding. I want to point out that their wedding was our very first "professional gig" and that we were honored to be a part of it in this way.Let me tell you a little about the couple. They complement each other so well because Mia is such a calm, soft spirited person and Mike knows just the right words to say to bring her to a smile with his kind and unique style. They are such a laid back couple and that is so hard to come by these days. Mia was and will always remain to me and the people around her a God fearing women that has always gone down on her knees in the presence of the Lord. And as for Mike, the love I saw him shower her with that day left me speechless! It was a never ending love story ... Gazing in her eyes with adornment, caressing her face, kissing her and holding her tight all throughout the day. The love I saw between them was like fireworks! I pray that together they fall on their knees and become "prayer warriors" throughout life. My prayer for them is that God will be the glue that holds them together and helps them with all that life has to offer them. And may He pour out His blessings on their marriage and may they remain head-over-heels in love for each other until the return of Jesus!
The wedding day couldn't have started any better than it had. That beautiful weather San Diego is known for started the morning off with a refreshing breeze and turned into a sun filled day. Mia showed up that beautiful afternoon with a special glow to her. She was all ready to get her hair and make-up done and slip into her gorgeous white gown. From there Flo went to go check on Mike and snap some shots of him getting all "groomed out". He was looking handsome and confident walking down the aisle awaiting for his amazing bride to walk to the alter with her father giving her away was such an emotional moment. Tears filling the room with sadness that they were losing a daughter but turning into joy filled tears that they were gaining a son. The wedding day was here faster than they ever thought and after a few hours of good preaching from close family pastors and friends, beautiful songs sung by skilled artists, touching vows being exchanged and most importantly the prayer of blessing over them, the ceremony had came to an end . What can be said, nothing but emotion of happiness.
Awaiting us was a beautiful sunset in door reception overlooking the ocean with nifty sailboats in the background giving the photographs awesome character. The reception food was yummy but the bride's parents took responsibility to do it themselves but thank God for the couple that owns a catering business who came all the way from Arizona (and also my dad) who helped out and made it outstanding! Great food, plus a slideshow (made by the bride's sister Roana) was very nicely done. After that, it was time for the toasts. Roana was one the first to start but couldn't finish because emotion overtook her which was a total "tear-jerker". It really hit her that her best friend and big sister was now married and within a few days be moving to Canada to start her new life with her husband. So, to cheer things up the grooms sister picked up the microphone and sang a silly song and pumped the room with laughs and got the bride and her family to smile. Then it was open mic for whoever wanted to say any last words and my dad had just joined the party to say a few words. The poor guy missed the entire wedding and most of the reception, but did it for an awesome reason by helping out the couple with last minute things. He said a few words to the newly married couple about how Ana-Maria was always a "prayer-warrior" and well, I have to be honest and admit that I stole his "prayer-warrior" saying. It was too good to let that go. With the reception coming to an end. Capturing the last of the good bye photo's it was time to head on out.
Ana Maria left her mom, dad and little sister Roana that she was so close to and moved to Canada with her husband to start their own family.
With all that said, the day had ended and we drove back to where we were staying at my cousin's house in Up Land, CA which is two full hours away .Talk about long drive after a long day. Abel and Alyssa were knocked out tired from missing their naps but in return had an overwhelming fun filled day meeting their mom's childhood best friend Adina and her husband Joel and their beautiful two kids Selah and Joseph.
Let me just say one last thing... Never again will I ever, ever do such a stupid thing and wear high heels when I doing a wedding! My feet were killing me and I couldn't feel my left toe for almost over a week! NO JOKE.. I thought I was going to have to see the doctor for that lol. Over all this 23rd day of August in the year 2009 will go down in history for us as our 1st "professional gig" not to mention wedding but not any wedding. The wedding of a dear loving friend Ana-Maria and her wonderful husband Mike.